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WOW, that is just another sign of their immaturity! They don’t like to be accountable for their actions so they will just quit? Well that certainly is a sign of maturity and wise choices isn’t it? And who will pay the School what they agreed to pay when they signed up? Ask him that? Didn’t he sign an agreement? Ask him about the agreement he signed? Is his signature and his word worth nothing? Did he and his friends work hard to get into this school and think that once they did THEY would take over and be making the rules? What exactly did they expect would happen there? And then there is the issue of the Chassan and Kallah who will nebech feel they are the cause of this trouble.
So now the question remains what can a parent do? So the simplest question to ask might be “Does it make sense to quit when you worked so hard to get in? Why the need to drop out when things get messy? Real life is full of “mess” how you handle it is what makes all the difference in the world, the man you are, the man you become, the person you have to live with all your life.
Sometimes in life you have to decide when to follow your own path and do what’s best for you, that’s how one becomes a leader and NOT a follower”.