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Great thread.

Shein, in theory you are 100% correct.

However, I wish I could, but I cannot, especially when there are several posters who did unbelievable avlos here and never asked for mechila.

I would use my regular sn, however, my password was revoked awhile back and was reinstated almost immediately with a new one and have no idea what that may be, as I could not bring myself to write here for a looong time…

I tried to contribute here as best as I could, but I got kicked over and over.

It’s almost Rosh Hashana, and still there’s no apology from them (I’m not planning on naming names)or the insight for what the repercussions were…

I’ve been requested to write an “Ask the Rabbi” type column online, but with my experience here online, how can I???

For any newbies, plz don’t ask to what I’m referring, TIA.