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I was babysitting my cousin, who was 3, and we were in my basement, which has a few phones that are disconnected. She picks one up and starts to “talk” to her mommy at work. When she “hangs up”, I pick up another phone and say, “ring ring ring, Esti,” and she immediately says “You can’t call me! You can see me!”

The same cousin also came over to me when I was at her house and says, “My morah’s name is morah Etti! Just like me!” So I assumed that her morah’s name was Esti. The I read her newsletter and on the bottom it says, “love morah ETTY.”

It took a while to convince her that her name had an S in it.

A friend once told me that her niece told her that her best friend’s name was Sardine. My friend said that she nearly choked when she heard that. (Her name was Sara Dina.)