Reply To: Kosher food in Niagara Falls

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I am going to try to keep from responding with anger or sarcasm; I hope that I succeed.

Mashiach Agent – If you are internet savvy enough to use this website, you are also knowledgeable enough to simply google and research before you make such rash pronouncements (twice!) not only questioning but disparaging the kashrus of God fearing, Torah observant people.

I don’t live near Niagara Falls or Toronto anymore, but I know the Chabad Rav Hamachshir; I know the caterer from Hamilton. I know very well the Rabonim, the board, and several mashgichim from the COR.

If you had bothered to look, you would have seen that the Niagara Restaurant had a COR hashgocho. And if you had bothered to do even a modicum of research, you would also know that the COR hashgocho has across the board acceptance in Toronto and the surrounding area. You would know it has the approval and cooperation of the OU and other authorities. You would know that Rabbi Felder, its Chair, and Rabbi Kerzner, its former Chair, have the confidence of the entire Frum community. You would know that its Rabbinic leadership holds the highest standards of practice. You would know that The Rav and leadership of Chabad are doing a magnificent job of outreach and have worked cooperatively with Kashrut authorities in tornot for at least the past 35 years.

Now, you may feel that if it doesn’t come from your neck of the woods, no hashgocho or protocol has any validity. And, it may not, for you. So be it, don’t eat there. But to have the temerity to be Motzi Shem Ra on Rabonim and frum businesspeople because you cant be bothered to do a google search, or becasue pas’t nisht for you in your isolation? Really?

I think the proprietors, the Rabonim hamachshirim, and the COR deserve your abject and complete apology.