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(You need not follow the asterisks. They’re for other readers.)

Interesting to stumble across this post of yours now – I

only just now went through Davar Katan’s methods

of addressing you*! At the time, I assumed each would

simply be a different variant of your name or initials,

and didn’t bother going through them. A mistake, of course. 🙂

(It really is “Sir Patur” now that I’ve knighted you**, eh?)

“Well I have to retract my objection because it turns out that there was another version of the joke already posted by the same person which accords with neither of the two other versions, and thus that poster’s versions lose their credibility.”

Well, I think I have to retract my concession of defeat, or at least of unwillingness to continue battle.

1. The other version had credibility at the time. However, it never had authority (the CR is not generally a source work), so I don’t think there ever was a reason to object to a slightly different version of a joke. In other words, even if it were a

reasonable expectation for me to have read the “mixed gym” thread version, and even if I had in fact read and remembered it, I would need no justification for posting a different version.

2. The newly discovered version actually does generally accord with the version I posted, and I appreciate the addition of the word “initial.” (The only major difference between any of them

is the “experimental error” line, which I don’t care for.)

Perhaps you can tell me the nature of “the joke […] embedded within the depths of the argument,” as I am unaware of it (I’m not saying that it doesn’t exist).

( )

Speaking of jokes, here’s one from the “soft matzah” thread:

[popa_bar_abba:] “I read the article by ari & ari

on soft matza. I won’t say you’re a goy of you eat them.”

nishtdayngesheft: However, I might call you a cannibal.


The final link was meant to be this, not the same as the fourth:


Granted for this:

A sequel (at least a spiritual one) to this: