Reply To: Driving on Shabbos

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Well, Zdad, while you’re probably correct in general, I don’t think this is the case here in the CR. People generally care, and for good reason. Shabbos observance is for the most part black and white. And it’s seems they made a mockery out of it, and publicly.

I actually voted for Trump (I’m in NY so it was more of a spur of the moment decision, and didn’t have a chance of actually mattering) and didn’t complain when Jared attended a campaign meeting with Trump on Shabbos as it could have been easily argued away as no big deal, especially since I wasn’t privy to any details of how he conducted himself at said meeting.

These two issues were much more blatant and both (the church and car riding) effect major tenets of Yiddishkeit. Lines were crossed apparently to “fit in” and be part of the success & partying. Jews have held strong for the sake of Shabbos while sacrificing much more, and those that didn’t unfortunately for the most part fell away. That’s why Zdad you are frum today while most of those who’s ancestors immigrated at that time, their grandkids have assimilated.