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Jothar, does that mean Rashi too? I don’t see why not.

Isn’t there a qualitative difference between gemara and these other examples of Torah she’beal peh? When most people think of ameilus b’Torah, v’hagisa bo, etc., they think of gemara. I invite someone who gets what I’m saying to clarify this qualitative difference. One important angle is the mindset and hachana necessary to truly learn gemara well.

Something else: I just read a fascinating article in an old Mishpacha about R. Y. Y. Reinman (aka Avner Gold) who talks about learning gemara with Amiel Hirsch. Hirsch was exhiliarated by their learning session, yet found it not much more than an intellectual pursuit. R. Reinman, of course, “got it.” There is a soul connection in learning gemara that I know that I as a woman (and as the woman I am) can’t get. (At least I appreciate it ;-)I need the l’maaseh, and as many loose ends tied up as possible. I understand that men get so much more, and something very different out of it, and joyfully facilitate my husband’s and sons’ learning.

I had a friend who taught in Skver and she herself was able to use whatever she needed to prepare but she couldn’t bring in texts with those mefarshim.