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Home Forums Shidduchim Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah? Reply To: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah?


Two pointers on relationships:

1. guys don’t want to marry a mashgiach. They don’t want their dates/wives reminding them that it is time for minyan or shiur. Chochmas nashim bonsa baysa- women have to know how to be a positive influence on their husbands in a smart way. Notice, that On ben Peles’s wife did not nag and lecture him on and on about the bad influence of Korach and his gang. Instead she did something to make sure he could not join them.

2. Guys do not want to feel that their wives know more than they do. Which means that a super intellectual girl needs someone who can handle that. Still, I have seen many a smart, learned wife defer to her husband on a point of Torah or halacha even though she for sure knew the answer herself and did not have to ask him. That I think is part of being smart too. It’s not about playing dumb, or changing your nature, but rather giving the husband the respect he deserves as the person who has the chiyuv to learn Torah.