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Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Any heter to not get drunk on Purim? Reply To: Any heter to not get drunk on Purim?

Patur Aval Assur


I’m not saying that the Rishonim don’t mean what they said. What they said is in effect “We pasken in accordance with Rava’s statement”. But as we see from the other rishonim, Rava’s statement doesn’t necessarily mean what you think it means at first glance.

So what do you propose regarding the Shulchan Aruch? Do you think he forgot what he wrote in the Beit Yosef? Do you think he changed his mind? (It’s interesting that the Pri Megadim in Klalim B’hora’as Issur V’heter discusses how to pasken when someone contradicts himself from one sefer to another, yet when it comes to R’ Yosef Karo all he says is that the Shulchan Aruch was written after the Bedek Habayit.)

Also, do you grant my point that the Shulchan Aruch was not written to be the first and last word on a topic? If you don’t, then I’ll quote again:

If you do grant it, then it is obvious that when reading the Shulchan Aruch, you have to take into account what he said in the Beit Yosef.

In sum, I don’t see a reason to manufacture a stira when there is a simple explanation.