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The article mentions that yes there are several exceptions but overall there doesn’t seem to be any support that Torah permits us to damage the environment without care, assuming that the Moshiach will come clean it up or come soon enough that it doesn’t matter what we expose our children too*.

*Not saying that you or anyone here said that….IRL someone told me that it doesn’t matter because Moshiach is coming anyway. Mentioning it just in case anyone wants to bring that up.

*Judaism and Environmentalism: Bal Tashchit*

Observance of a mitzvah, like tearing clothes in mourning, or preservation of human life or health, overrules bal tashchit when the two come into conflict.

That said, the Jewish sages reveal a high degree of sensitivity when it comes to waste.

Quite a level to which to aspire.” (Neril on Chabad).

Thank you