Reply To: Limericks!

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Yossi, it was a nice try,

but your poems just did not fly.

Not bad the timing,

but awful the rhyming,

So I will let you know the rules,

(I went to four limerick schools).

These rules you must follow,

so here are some important tools.

it must fit into certain specs,

Lines 1,2, with 5

and 3 with 4 jive,

and there is not much room to flex.

The first and the second line,

may not have more sounds than 9.

Lines 3 and 4

cannot have more

than five, for the limerick to shine.

With one more rule I will proceed,

the final line may not exceed,

syllables seven,

for limerick heaven,

and now you know how to succeed!

Your effort, I really commend;

my words, I hope, do not offend.