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Shticky Guy

The story of Purim Part 1.

Achashverosh the King of Shushan

was descended from the Persian clan

he made a great feast

at which he released

a most hideous and outrageous plan.

That vashti his beautiful queen

must come and let herself be seen

wearing not a royal gown

but a sparkling crown

but vashti said no, thats obscene.

The king stamped his foot with a bang

and did his wife vashti harangue

haman said across the land

wives will ignore their hubby’s command

so I think vashti deserves to hang.

After time the king did reminisce

and vashti his queen he did miss

so he called his wise men

said he would marry again

‘go find the best beauty’ he did hiss.

I dont care if you must harass her

make sure that you find her, dont pass her

right across my empire

bring me all you admire

one of them went and spotted Hadassa.

She was seized and shlepped off to the palace

by soldiers who were filled with malice

she tried to resist

but her cries were dismissed

by cruel troopers who were really callous.

Other girls captured also did preen

and smear with oil for a sheen

Esther kept herself plain

“from these things I abstain”

achashverosh still chose her as queen.

Mordechai heard bigson and seresh

plotting to harm the king’s flesh

but cause mordechai knew every tongue

they were found out and hung

when in their plot they did enmesh.

Then achashverosh did a silly thing

he took from his finger his ring

and gave it to haman

who to kavod would run

this made him into second to the king.

Now haman was a real bad guy

who held of himself very high

to him all had to bow

or get killed here and now

so all did it except mordechai.

This filled haman with a rage

How dare he, that rude Jewish sage

his anger was frothing

all his power meant nothing

I will kill him and turn a fresh page.