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[Fyi this post starts at the end of pg 1]


Last night I felt compelled to ask and it was not a regular thing that I do.

I take it that this time was from Hashem and so that is why it was okay. If the situation was different then I could come here and say that a random Jew said or whatever and not believe it.

You are right though that I don’t have proof (and it’s not always safe to talk to strangers, let alone get psak-info from them…) that he was really that Rabbi and that woman may have been playing along the whole time (or maybe did not hear the part where he said that he was a rabbi), but I am going to look at it favorably and am pretty sure that his massive kosher party grocery purchase was for the shul’s Purim party.

I will ask my LOR and get back to you when I do.

Thank you

One last thing… in this Pesach case I am basically going with whatever my LOR will tell me.

Are there more halachic opinions?