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3 girls were really misbehaving 1 day so the teacher sent them out. the girs got bored so thry decided 2 go outside & pick dandelions=weeds, & give them 2 the teacher as a bouket of flowers. they found a cart(a waiters cart) & they put 2 girls on top & 1 girl pushed. the 2 girls on top were holding a huge bouket of “flowers”. by the door of the room, there is a step so when the girls opened the door @ the end of class their cart went flying accross the room!!!!! the girls quickly ran 2 the teacher 2 “beg 4giveness!” (the teacher was a 22 yr old young unmarried shnuck, teaching a class of 10th graders!!!!!! big mistake!!)

anothe rprank was that they put up a sign on the front door that the first day of finals were cancelled! the teachers thought it was real till the principal saw it 2 days b4 finals started & had a cow! he suspended the girl who did it!