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*Modified for YWN forum, just looking to get answers for these important questions
The stories of not trading his gehinnom for misnagdims gan eden, or that our trash is better than their gold when it comes to shidduchim( meaning better the worst ubavitcher than the best quality litvishe), and all other bogus pep stories comparing how much “better” chabad is than everyone else, just shows the mindset of these people and quite frankly I can understand why everyone is disgusted by it.

And you know what whatever happened in the past happened but lubavitchers will not stop holding a grudge and play the “race” card every chance they get. And it is known that even the Tzemach Tzedek one of the Rebbes in Lubavitch, said that it is a good thing for the misnagdim since they balanced out the situation and without them chassidim wouldve went too far astray and out of control.

@sechelhayashar- You accused me of looking at some site which I have no clue what you are talking about, but anyway everything I say is from personal experience, from hearing people around me, asking questions etc, as I said unfortunately Ive spent a few long years in crown heights. So you cannot fool me with your sugar coating stories and excuses.

Which brings me back to my original point, you said that many people rely on their own shechita, I clearly stated that in my original post, and I said the reason it bothers me with chabad is that they will straight up tell you that only a lubavitcher who learns tanya is a trusted shoichet and knows a kosher shechita. That means that all others are treif in their eyes.
Also you complain about others not eating lubavitch shechita at shluchim? Wow talk about a double standard. You always expect others to follow your minhagim,niggunim,kashrus,and halachos but never chas vsholom the other way around. How many times do I have to repeat that until you will stop denying it? It is a fact and you only strengthen our opinion by confirming that you think that way.
Lastly you mentioned something about a donation that shluchim dont want? Oh believe me you dont know shlichus, they are not looking to do this for free. They need to live and have expenses of course they want and expect donations. And who does chabad go to for donations? Yes you guessed it, to Satmar, to non frums, to sepharadim, and yes to LITVISH communities. Suddenly when it comes to money they dont discriminate. And then you see people complain if outsiders open business in crown heights because they assume that “they wont support chabad moidos”. Need I say more?

And chabadshlucha- You menioned the Rebbe “waiving on” the singing of Yechi in the late years.
I specifically mentioned what happens today when they sing Yechi to the Rebbes chair in the MIDDLE of lecha dodi! No i certainly dont think theyd get waived on and they would never even do it in the first place if the Rebbe was standing in front of them. And you dont get my point? “the Rebbe scolded about people looking at him during davening”. You asked how is that the same as singing to him in lecha dodi. Really? Well if they shouldnt look at the Rebbe while davening to Hashem, why would the Rebbe approve them SINGING to the Rebbe in the middle of davening! I was being very specific getting my point across, but as usual you ignore and whitewash what you dont like and focus on what you want.
Why isnt there anyone else in the frum world trying to prove to everyone that they are better? I just dont get it. And no chabadsters, its not because they dont think they are.