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@sechelhayashar and yes thanks for answering questions as well:)

Anyway happened to see a fascinating letter of the Rebbe over Shabbos which I think is quite applicable here. Chelek 11, gimmel tof kuf samech tes.

Some great points I have derived:
1) the Rebbe specifically gave room in his sichos and letters for the viewpoints of meshichists and non meshichists.

My opinion is that whatever spurs you to make Moshiach a personal issue and do everything you can with an urgency to bring him is what counts, and that’s why there are these two legitimate directions to take.

2) As with everything in Torah, we need to have naase and then nishma with learning, and especially with learning chassidus which the yetzer hara specifically tries to oppose nowadays. And if something isn’t clear, then daven to be granted the true understanding.

So no matter what opinion you have fellow Lubavitchers, the important thing is to learn and process everything the Rebbe said without preconceived notions, and only afterwards try to make sense of it. We shouldn’t shy away from learning any sicha or any letter or try to twist it into what we think would make sense. Rather, naase vnishma…

Thought this is a beautiful point.

I don’t have an opinion as those are both important values. I would ask a Rav.