Reply To: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha

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Sechel HaYashar

“I appreciate ur comment, but I’m confused about ur not looking for who is moshiach. The Sdei Chemed says people in EVERY generation are accustomed to look for who moshiach is. “All this is obvious” he says. Why not do the custom of every generation?”

And to that I present you will a Ksav Yad from the Rebbe that you would prefer to ignore:
*אין כל* חיוב *כלל* לחפש מיהו משיח וכו’ אבל *מ”ע מה”ת:* [מצות עשה מן התורה] אהבת *כאו”א* [כל אחד ואחד] מישראל ושלילת המחלוקת וכו’ *בתכלית* – ופשיטא שלא לעשות במזיד הפכו *וד”ל* [ודי למבין].