Reply To: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha

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I still dont understand how you guys (lubavitchers) are still playing the underdog and using the “everyone hates us”. How can anyone even take you seriously or have any repect for you when all you have done all these years was to bash litvishe and chassidishe Gedoilim. Saying things about the Chazon Ish things like jealous of a little boy learning tanya in tomchei temimim lubavitch? How dare you! Look at pictures of the heilige Tzaddikim and you will be sitting in awe! The GR”A, Chazon Ish, the Chofetz Chaim, the Stiepler Gaon, Chasam Sofer, Rav Aron Kotler, the Brisker Rav just to name a few. You will bite your tongue for saying such stupidity. You think any of these undisputed Tzaddikim and Gedolei Hador who were versed in ALL TORAH nigleh and nistar, (which even Chabad Rebbes recognized as Gedolei Hador) would be jealous of a kid? This is just truly shameful. If anyone would criticize chabad rebbeim you would go ballistic but you freely say what you want about others who are on an infinite higher level than you will ever be.
To tell another Yid who does not follow chabad that if he hasnt learned tanya then his Torah is basically meaningless?
This whole thread we are seeing so many excuses and answers for literally everything, even if it means twisting things in order to get your way, including taking the Rebbes words out of context and applying them to your defense when it suits you. And when it doesnt you simply ignore or manipulate it in order for it wo work out for you.
You claim that everyone is a chabad hater when you disrespect everyone freely including their Gedolei Hador. Enough of all these excuses just accept that chabad lubavitch are not the only Yidden in the WORLD! In fact they are a tiny minority. And the only reason you think that only chabad does good or that they dominate is simply due to your close mindedness and constantly making news out of any chabadnick who makes a peep. Ever heard of Satmar Bikur Choilim? Show me something similiar in chabad. Ever heard of Tomchei Shabbos in the Litvishe World? Ever heard of any organization that does 100 times more than Chabad? Obviously you havent because that would be impossible right?
The litvishe and chassidish world have no hatred towards chabad so stop thinking that we are all sitting talking about you nonstop as if we have nothing better to do!
This whole topic/thread only brought out how much more arrogant you are than everyone previously knew.