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“Not to teach the non-Lubavitch public his shittos that will make the public distant themselves from Lubavitch”

Your other questions I answered in pg 16. As for this, as mentioned many times, the main thing,according to eveyone because this is definitely what the Rebbe taught is to bring moshiach. How do we do that? Through hafotzas hamayanos. That’s for the frum world. Now if someone isn’t even frum, we have to help him with the basics too, hence the shluchim.

So anything the Rebbe said to his chassidim, that without context could be misconstrued and push people away from learning Chassidus which is the Ikkar, the Rebbe saw no reason to publicise it and told his chassidim that we need to have oros dtohu, all the radical chidushim and ideas, bkeilim dtikkun, presented in ways people can understand and relate to. Running down the street yelling the Rebbe is moshiach with or without a flag doesn’t cut it.

But people who whitewash the subject all together and just say there is nothing radical etc. and we’re perfectly mainstream, don’t qualify, in my opinion, for the first half, oros dtohu. It seems these chassidim may just want to hide anything that can seem radical, with or without proper context.

But since the point is to spread Chassidus and bring moshiach, if they are afraid of being merachek people, I
understand that.

But I think whoever is not open to seeing the sichos or maamarim inside and doing proper research when presented with the proper context, and have no Problem labeling thousands of Yiddin as whatever you have seen in this thread, they anyways wouldn’t be open to learning Chassidus so I don’t think that’s what the Rebbe meant.

Seems SH would disagree here and say let’s just focus on the ikkar and why focus on anything controversial at all, that may be merachek people?

And I guess, after seeing some posts, here, to err on the side of caution, he was right.

But now that I did open the thread in light of my previous understanding, I’m happy to answer any follow up. I think that’s it. Please lmk if there was anything else that hasn’t been addressed yet