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I have enjoyed your posts and questions- you have been unbiased and open to understanding. I think your last post of the three part post, was addressed by my posts last night.
The middle one I agreed with immediately.
Now the first one.
“1. The rebuilding of Yeshivos, Baitai Chinuch, and Bais Yaacov’s is no less an expression of Avavas Yisroel for every Yid then sending Shluchim.”
” It was (and is) and disagreement regarding what you is the best meathod of Harbatzas Torah.”
Not really. Both are necessary. Many leaders of klal yisroel focused on a specific segment of klal yisroel and engaged in one or the other.The Rebbe, as Nossi hador, was responsible for the wellbeing of every Jew, so engaged in both our whatever was necessary.
“2.Demanding Halachic proofs against Mashichist beliefs is besides the point. If you make an error regarding a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch or Ramabam that’s one thing. But let’s say you believe in something for which there is no direct positive evidence and insist that it is your religious duty to believe so based on personal feelings, revelations, miricles, etc. You have just legitimized the revelation narrative of every world religion and cult.”
If a missionary confuses you with his proof and gets you to understand that Torah is cvs wrong, so you would agree to go by this new understanding and believe in AZ cvs because something in Torah doesn’t make sense?
Obviously not. The difference is Yiddishkeit is true, everything else takes a point of Yiddishkeit and mixes in garbage. So you can usually convince an open-minded person to this effect.but the basis of Yiddishkeit needs to be emuna.
The proof we have as lubavitchers is that the Rebbe was a tzadik continuing a line all the way up to the Baal Shem Tov. If you say that we can’t believe something the Rebbe said, then how can we believe anything he says? And the frierdiker Rebbe says,as he was his successor? Etc until the Baal Shem Tov? And as these people were holy tzaddikim, how can you believe any Torah authority? Maybe they’re wrong too? May as well just be a tzeduki or reject torah altogether cvs.
That’s the problem with this rationale. So we don’t understand everything. But the facts are the facts. Moshe emess vsoraso emess.
@3. I take personal offense at the statement made by CS that the Vilna Gaon saw the Alter Rebbe of Lubavich through a key hole, realized that if he would meet him he would have become a chossid and ran away. But this is just a symptom of the above stated problem.”
I didn’t make it up or I would get your personal offense, this is a story I watched the descendent of the Vilna Gaon’s top talmid say is the tradition passed down through the family. Admittedly, knowing the greatness of the Gra, it is a bit shocking, and is not our version.
But people seemed more interested in hearing non lubavitch sources. Maybe take it up with the one who said it.