Reply To: Where can Israeli Jews escape to in case of emergency?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Where can Israeli Jews escape to in case of emergency? Reply To: Where can Israeli Jews escape to in case of emergency?


Isn’t anyone here aware of how Medinas Israel is occupying the space Hashem has promised to us as Eretz Yisrael. Even if the current majority are secular Zionists, they are making it blossom in preparation for when we all return. And as He always has, Hashem will not allow EY to be destroyed by Esav/Amalek, any of our various enemies. How else can you explain how a ragged army of survivors beat back all the threats in both 1948. This year we commemorated the miracle of the Six Day War in 1968. Don’t you get it, Hashem is the General who protects EY.

In the meantime, the handwriting in the USA is clearly visible on the wall. We’ve had a good run here, but this is Golus. We were successful in Spain, Persia, Germany and so forth. Don’t rest on your laurels in your fancy Boro Park homes. Yes, history does repeat itself and we are witness to an upcoming generation of Jews who hate Israel and Judaism.