Reply To: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement

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But to elaborate, apparently Yerushalayim is the issue that the nations will clash about right before moshiach comes. Anyone know the exact Targum Yonasan excerpt that discusses it?

I just heard a fascinating Zohar on this embassy topic- on the posuk yoshev bashomayim yischak yilag amo, which is that up till now Hashem exacted punishment from our enemies from behind closed curtains above. However, by the end of days, basketball will redress all souls of wicked people in current leaders of nations – and they will gather together in a place where the nations meet (hello, the UN!) and they will start out trying to conceal their agenda by discussing if we have legal rights over Yerushalayim. However in the end their real meaning will come out, but they won’t succeed because Hashem will mock them.

I would love to see the source for this inside, also if anyone has any other Yerushalayim moshiach nevuos/ mefarshim to share im all ears!!