Reply To: The Chumrah Song

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The Chumrah Song Reply To: The Chumrah Song


Yes I think the rich man was too kind. If it were me I would have explained that I will not give to a moised which does not espouse Torah values :
– being overly impressed and excited with Gashmius not lshem shomayim

– lack of basic Derech eretz and Hakaras hatov every frum Jew should have, kal vchomer a ben Torah

– stealing?!

And I am proud to support mosdos who produce and are represented by true ehrliche bnei Torah, who see Torah as the ikkar and are not impressed by Gashmius (separated from its role), who show how Torah makes a person better than the average Jew and for sure non Jew.

In this video I would’ve quicker supported the gvir who was much more am example of a Torah yid.

I was disturbed by the content but found the acting superb! Would love to see more funny videos with great tochen – no need for the two to be mutually exclusive.