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Non political and others post 3:

I’m not interested in bringing those stories to prove other tzaddikim deferring to the Rebbe as Nossi etc because that would defeat my purpose and I want to stress this point clearly:

My point was to explain why I hold of my Rebbe as I do. My point is not to force you unwillingly, by intellectual gun point type evidence, to see my Rebbe as the Moshe Rabbeinu of the same way as I do, because that is not the way of Torah.

The way of Torah has always been that each person chooses which Torah leader and approach resonates best with them, and they choose that leader to be the one to guide them in their Avodas Hashem. One may even disobey his parents wishes on where he should learn because this is such a strong value.

In fact that’s precisely how we’ve determined who’s
who in the Torah world, who’s a tzadik etc throughout all the generations: generally by two categories:

1) how many Torah yidden accept their teachings and follow them long term (the Rambam was originally highly controversial but is now universally accepted and acclaimed as a tzadik)

2) other tzaddikim who can see soul levels testifying about the status of said individual.

But it is done because it resonates with the neshama not because they’ve been fear mongered into it or lost a debat. And for that reason alone it is a good thing that most of us don’t have access to see the heavenly realms and determine who’s who in fact.

In fact this is the way Hashem has set up how we accept Him:
Do we have evidence He exists? Yes and no. It is based on emuna but there are many logical proofs. However we are spiritually blinded to the point that we can’t point to a leaf and show the koach of Hashem animating it every second – we can’t prove it in a gun to your head you have no choice about it kind of way. Because Hashem wants us to come to serve Him out of conviction and love, not purely out of force and fear.