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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


Non Political: that’s exactly the deflection I was talking about. As regarding Sechel, I never said everyone needs to become Lubavitchers! All I said was that anyone who doesn’t ACKNOWLEDGE who the Rebbe is will be sorry when it’s too late, and that someone who doesn’t lear Chabad Chassidus is missing out (as I demonstrated, that is something the Rebbe himself confirmed!) Sechel cannot argue on either of these two points, but he is uncomfortable admitting them here!

And regarding Shlucha, so she gave someone the title Rav and said something vaguely complimentary about him, quite honestly I am shocked, but I can excuse her because a: she doesn’t remember the maarocho, and b: she’s a woman. Note that she also didn’t say (and of course Sechel stayed away from the whole question) that she respects this person. She also avoided the main question which was not about ES but about AK, because apparently even she knows what the Rebbe had to say about that……

Bottom line, as I said many times, my point here is that trying to foster good relationships based on Lubavitch having to buk zich and pretend that we have forgotten or abandoned our positions is a chillul Lubavitch.