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To TT:
Let me clarify something. I admire your insistence in being who you are, no two faced etc as a pnimi should. However I strongly disagree with what you say, and this is NOT because of a lack of political correctness (btw you have still not given me one example of where I perverted or twisted or misrepresented the Rebbe), it is because what is inside you and therefore what you are expressing- are wrong.
To explain:
You brought me a Sheine maase which, while not being politically correct, emphasises the teirkeit of Chassidus.
Now I have a (more well known) maase for you:
As children, the Raza was shorter than his younger brother the future Rebbe Rashab. Once he got annoyed, and pushed his younger brother into a pit. He then stood over the pit proudly pronouncing himself taller. The Rebbe Maharash, his father, called him in and proceeded to tell him that he could have made himself taller by standing on a chair. There is no need to push others down to promote yourself and it is not a good thing…
Now, I have learned Tanya, some of it Baal peh. In perek 12 if I’m not mistaken, on the last page, the Alter Rebbe tells us that if a bad thought enters your mind about another yid, even if you have a right to be upset (like Yosef with his brothers) you must immediately push it away bshtei yodayim and not dwell.on it as dwelling on it is an aveira.
I strive to live this way myself, as a chossid and turn negative thoughts about others into positivity by focusing on the good in them. Now of course if I think this way, kal vchomer my speech in general reflects that. Don’t get me wrong. I slip up sometimes and am not yet a beinoni. But I try. And my friends do the same.
Now do I know about the individuals you mention? Of course. Actually, regarding Rav shach, all I knew was that the Rebbe strongly disagreed with his words on abc. I didn’t know more until I came to this forum and heard people quoting different things in his name. I didn’t go asking all my lubavitch friends to fill me in as I didn’t want to delve in mud. I looked up a non partial factual covering of the story with no shmutz of epithets etc mixed in, just to educate myself on the topic.
The other individual came up when I learned about the history of tomchei tmimim in ww2. Other than that, I don’t think about either of them and I definitely don’t talk about them. This is the way of the Rebbe.
To be continued.