Reply To: THREAD: Not for Anti-vaxxers

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Before we go through yur studies, I have a 2 questions:
1) Why do you (and I mean you collectively since all pro-diseasers tend to do this) misrepresent things.
for example your quote “Children who are permitted to contract measles naturally are significantly protected against various cancers later in life. In fact, the wild measles virus has oncolytic (anti-cancer) properties.” Is not taken from a medical journal, why do you hint that it is?
Are you hoping we won’t check? Why take the risk?
did you just copy and paste thinktwice. com, without reading it? what else havent you read?

2) those in the pro-disease camp often complain that “we dont respect their right” or somehting to that effect.
what about our right to not have our children exposed to those without vaccines? Ok you do you don’t vaccinate. no problem. Just stay away, don’t come to shuls, schools etc that don’t want that?
