Reply To: THREAD: Not for Anti-vaxxers

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DaasYachid: (I was not trying to push any agenda with regard to the vaccine fight) That may be true, however if you can obtain your same goals through speaking Lashon Hara and not speaking Lashon Hara, then without the Lashon Hara is forsure the better option. Also, I am NOT in any way measuring anyones level of Emunah, I leave that up to Hashem, He does not need my help. However, hishtadlus is to be done on a very personal level with Daas Torah. Therefore, for those who are pro vaccines that is what they believe their Hishtadlus is and they are following their Daas Torah. For those who are anti the vaccines, they believe that giving the vaccines are not included in their hishtadlus, nothing to do with level of emunah but rather different ways of viewing the situation.
And what every single person, no matter which thought opinion or idea he follows must recognize that ultimately it is the Ratzon Hashem that will come out. For an anti vaxxer to believe that by not giving he vaccines their child will be 100% protected from autism is also a lack of Emunah and a belief of Kochi Veotzem yadi, and for a pro vaccinator to believe that it is the vaccine that is protecting him is also a lack of emunah.
Honestly, I think that Klal Yisroel in general has this Emunah aspect that WE need to work on, especially in these most trying times in every aspect of our lives, aside from this vaccine fight.