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Non Political

@ SH

“To make up a possible context to justify it is ludicrous”

Do you mean ludicrous because no context could possibly exist under which such a statement would be true?

How about this:

The Shliach has 2 guests.

Guy 1 – Is Frei (not careful with kashrus, relationships with other gender, ect) but not mechalel Shabbos publicly and not an oved Avoda Zora

Guy 2 – Holds there isn’t going to be ANY Moshiach.

During the course of the meal Guy 2 says: Yo, there ain’t gonna be no Moshiach because “Its a like a bferush genara man, ain Moshiach l’Yisroel! And if there was a Moshiach, you think it would be your Rebbe?! Gee, you lubabs are really nuts. Hey, is this cholent mehadrin cause I only eat mehadrin man.

The shliach is taken aback. Then, deciding that with some people you gotta be a bit blunt, responds. Your asking me about mehadrin?! If you don’t believe in Moshiach that guy over there (nods in direction of Guy 1) is better off then you are?! And if I’m such a apikoros why are you eating my cholent in the first place?

Maybe, you meant ludicrous because you deem such a scenario as highly unlikely and you hold ludicrous is a synonymous for not likely.