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Back to the tznius issue, if I may.

Just this afternoon I was shown – I have friends who know that I am posting and provide me with things that they think I may find useful – a lubavich magazine that gives lots of details of the wedding of the lubavicher rebbe exactly 90 years ago in Kislev. There were two things there that caught my eye.

The first was a picture of the rebbetzin on her wedding day in her wedding dress. Have you ever seen any picture of any other rebbishe kallah portrayed openly for all to see? I haven’t.

The second is a quote by the person who was the shomer of the rebbe during the entire day and he is describing the badeken: “I saw the beautiful kallah inside the garden, attired in a beautiful dress.”

If this is what lubavich was like 90 years ago, it is no wonder that it is where it is today!