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Chossid on the term “Nossi Hador”: “So let’s just clarify, it’s not made up by the Rebbe, (because it’s mentioned in many heilikeh sforim,) just the Rebbe was the one that brought it up in the past generations”
Which heilige seforim mention “Nossi Hador” in connection with someone who lived over the last hundreds, possibly thousand, years? I have searched and found nothing.
“you can just look at how the Rebbe acted, for example…”
Did you know that there are Rebbes alive today shlita who spend hours EVERY DAY dealing with chassidim and others? Once again you are showing that your understanding and views are based solely on what you heard in lubavich. I can understand that that’s the case, and I don’t have a huge problem with it. The problem that I (and others on this forum) have with views like yours is that you really think that it will convince US that your rebbe was greater “than average”.
“If you can answer those questions please, both of them”
OK, but only because you insist: Yes, I think the mivtza of 7 mitvos Bnei Noach is a meshigass, and I have NEVER met any non-lubavicher who thinks otherwise. I’m happy to leave that topic alone because I’m not interested in davka offending.
“The same it [not sleeping the entire sukkos] doesn’t make sense to you, it doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s what happened”
The gemoro says it’s not possible, and the Rambam paskens that way. This is not an aggadata as it is nogeia to giving someone malkus in a beis din. There can’t be exceptions. So, in summary, I don’t believe what the mazkirim say. Anyhow, from all the stories the mazkirim were not with him 24/7. Furthermore, he had a bed (possibly a folding bed) in his room. I heard it from a lubavicher (I think he may even be a meshichist – not sure) who saw it.
“you have to base you shita on some what of a talmid chochom, godel or tzadik…. first you should learn more of what a Rebbe is, and what the Rebbe was, what he was boki in and his day to day life. Second I think you are arguing not just with Lubavitch, but rather must of the chassidishe world, (which you said that you are chassidish.) ”
I have most definitely discussed the matter with numerous chassidishe talmidei chachomim who, were they Litvish, would be considered gedolim, and I have arrived at my opinions based on those discussions.
“you should check up the book חד בדרא ”
You caught me on a sefer that I don’t recall having seen, so I looked it up. Written by a lubavicher and published by lubavich. Let me make a guess based on the title, it quotes all types of people who say that the lubavicher rebbe was chad bedoro. Did I get it right? Can I also guess that there are a lot of people who think otherwise who aren’t quoted?