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CS: “In chassidish non lubavitch society, dressing tznius is not necessarily an indication of sensitivity to kedusha and yiras shomayim, but an indication of communal pressure.”

And I believe that in all communities keeping Shabbos, keeping kashrus, putting on tefillin, giving tzedoko, men wearing a yarmulke etc etc “is not necessarily an indication of” yiras Shamayim “but an indication of communal pressure”. That’s the way Hashem made the world and it is factored into the mitzvos. Why should tznius be any different?

Btw you write that you don’t find the tznius level of lubavicher chasunos any worse than any other. I have to differ. A few weeks ago I was at a lubavicher chasuna not in my home town, and the level of mixing of “chassidishe” lubavicher bochurim and avreichim with “chassidishe” lubavicher girls and women was something one does not see any simchah of any other chareidi (I’m not counting MO) group, chassidish or non-chassidish.

Perhaps you don’t find it objectionable when at least one of the sides is married. I do.