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“He explains that they wanted to stay in the Midbor was because their Avodas Hashem would be better there, but the Chidushei Horim explains that it is not their business to make a cheshbon like that.”
Slightly off topic, in a very famous Sicha, the Rebbe explains why they thought their Avoda would be better in the Midbar than in Eretz Yisrael. I won’t do justice to it in a few lines, but the basic idea is that in the Midbar the Yidden had everything they needed, and could serve the Eibeshter with no distractions of physical life. In Eretz Yisrael however, they would need to work the land, and get involved with Mitzvos Maasiyos. Their Svarah made sense, but the ultimate Kavana is to make a Dirah B’tachtonim, by being in Eretz Yisrael, they would have to bring Avodas Hashem into the material world, by elevating Gashmiyus and utilizing it for Kedusha. Once the world is sufficiently elevated and refined, the Tachlis HaShleimus of Dirah B’tachtonim will come about, the Shchina resting in this world, B’galuy, with Bias Moshiach Tzidkeinu.