Reply To: Shidduch Crisis is not real!

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In my experience, in general, people are naturally getting married later than before. We should accept this fact. Additionally, in my opinion, shidduch education needs to occur in high school and seminary on what type of person makes a good marriage partner. In my experience, more women would get married if they agreed to date the men on the market and to see the good in them. Often times singles need time to mature to really become more internal such that they can appreciate another’s internal qualities. Less focus needs to be put on yichus and money and more on midos and Torah, and being happy with one’s lot. Additionally, often times shadchanim are more interested in being ‘involved’ in making shidduchim, than actually making shidduchim! Advice: send out the shidduch profiles to the boy and girl and offer to set them up, no pressure needed. Additionally if someone isn’t married by 32 its ok. People take a longer time to mature and there’s no crisis. In fact people that get married later have a much lower divorce rate. There is a real problem of people getting married younger and making the decision when either they don’t yet posses the kalim to have a successful marriage or they make a choice based on external factors or family pressure.