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WinniethePooh, thanks. I am constantly striving to become better in Loshen HaKodesh and try to use the words in the correct terms ..I didnt have the privilege of learning Loshen HaKodesh well because the school I attended has a shittah according to their Rebbe that girls should be good wives and mothers and not learn as much as the men…I understand their shittah but I don’t agree entirely. I taught/ am teaching myself with Artscroll sedarim and sefarim and my girls’ notes from the school they attend ( b”H they are learning Loshen HaKodesh on an advanced level)… I’d love to be able to speak and write fluently in Loshen HaKodesh like I do in Yiddish and English but I can’t see that happening since I’m not speaking the language, only davening and reading it…maybe if I would attend yeshiva I would be able to speak the language fluently…but I don’t think they’d let me study there 😉