Reply To: Chalav yisroel

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This topic is a waste of time . Those who want to believe what they want will not change their mind regardless. If anyone wants to know what Rav Moshe really held let them go speak with Rav Moshe’s relatives. Also the idea that Chalav Yisrael is equal to chalav hacompanies is not true. Chalav hacompanies takes much longer to spoil . It also should be noted that the Pri Chadash heter(used by Jews of Amsterdam and himself) is not the heter of the Rav Moshe. Rav Soloveitchik held of an additional heter as well. Rav Moshe held that yedia is like seeing,plus mirsas. Even if you want to say that the Teshuvos are the end all,Rav Moshe clearly states not consider one who relies on the heter an avrayon. Let everyone follow their Rabbi,and for those who want to know lmaaseh ask around.