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“Why is the next best thing allowing a woman to snuff out a life?, What about carrying to term and giving the baby up for adoption?”

1. Nobody will adopt an anecephalic baby
2. If thats what her Rav tells her to do, thats wha tshe should do

“because we are concerned about an extremely unlikely scenario where expert medical opinion would hold that an abortion is unnecessary whereas halacha holds that it is necessary seems like a cop-out. ”

Extremely unlikely???? It isn’t my field but I know of several such cases. I have spoken to those who are directly in the field and they say “extremely likely” is an understatement. “routine” is a better descriptor

(though granted if you meant late in pregnancy then I do not know of such a case and it is in fact very unlikely, I personally oppose abortions once a fetus is viable outside the womb, but again although I do not understand it if a competent Rav where to allow it I am mevatel my daas. )

“I am much more concerned about the opposite: families being strongly pressured to abort their babies due to expert medical opinion that is contrary to halachic guidelines.”

That is concerning. Though I have to tell you ,not only , havent I heard of that before, I never even heard of that argument before, thus I am skeptical that it is ” already commonplace”

” the greater concern is the prospect for laws that require abortion in these cases R”L”
That would be very concerning, which yet another reason to support the mother’s right to choose. Keep the government out of it they shouldn’t force people to carry nor to abort .

Keep it between a woman and her doctor (and ideally her Rabbi)