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“For arguments sake, since I know you will never be able to answer, where”
ספרי n2nd verse of שמע

ראשוני on Bereishis, chapter 34

Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky-
we are obligated to support a candidate stands for public morality even if they are anti-Semitic over A candidate who is anti traditional morality-
as dictated to David Eidensohn (Psychotherapist & Rabbi) of Monsey
Rabbi Shimon Schwab said similar in 1992 Due to our national and Global responsibility

הרב אהרונ soloveitchik
Recent publication from his son

Rebbe of חבד
תוספות יום טוב
הלכות מלכים

Note:Possible also Author of אגרות משה As per his letter We are perforce obligated to Proclaim
ידוע לכל העמים שעם השם שונאי תועבה’