Reply To: What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy? Reply To: What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy?

Avi K

1. One does not sell the utensils themselves. If you do you have to tovel them again after Pesach as they belonged to a goy.
2. While a goy is obligated in the sheva mitzvot (and some say all of the mishpatim) there is a machloket if they are also obligated in monetary halachot or if they can make up what they want.
3. The status of the sale in secular law is not necessarily relevant. Someone snitched to the Austrian government that the Jews did not pay the tax on contracts. The Emperor said that it was not a real contract but just something the Jews do for religious reasons. Someone then suggested that the contract was invalid because of dina d’malchuta dina. the Chatam Sofer said that it was still valid.(the
Chavat Yair however did mention this as a problem).