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DY, I have unlimited Ahavas Yisroel and indeed regret (klapping Al Chet, Ashamnu Bogudnu) that I was mekabel this loshon hara which was repeated here as a “fact”: that Chabad does not partake in seuda shlishi, a sheker gomur.

A few minutes spent on calling a minyan of Chabad Shuls accross the country revealed that this assertion was false and pure loshon hara, motzi shem rah and rechilus. Those that have promoted such “fake facts” are choteh u’machti ess harabim.

Mind you, I don’t know if b’shita they do or don’t hold of washing at seuda shilis. I shtam from Yekkas and some family members b’shita don’t wash to uphold minhag avosom. I have seen a published sicha that explains why b’shita one might not wash at this seuda (but the sicha clearly states the need to eat a seuda
od mezonos or fruit – that appears to be te shita of the past Rebbe z”l).

In any event, whatever their “shitah” is, l’maaseh. the Chabad Shuls I contacted UNANIMOUSLY (without exception) do have seuda shlishis, even with lechem mishne as stated in Rav S.A. that one should not rely on mezonos or fruit and actually wash for this seuda.

This is a milsa d’avidi ligluyay, anyone can do their own due dilligence and investigate with a few quick phone calls. The secretaries/receptionist will be masiach l’fi tumo and answer honestly that seuda shlishi is provided to the tzibur in Chabad Shuls.