Reply To: Unacceptable Grammar

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Yabia Omer

That’s another meshugas and fallacy churned out by the ‘A’ community. Somehow if you’re meticulous in non Kodesh fields you’re somehow less religious. Only ‘A’ people can think like that.

A true Talmid Chacham knows how to learn Gemara AND to be meticulous in grammar. Speaking the artificial, American-made Yeshivish is a sign of Am haartzut. However, people have been taught to think that “I am so frum, chas veshalom that I should know how to speak properly and know worldly things”. It seems from 2 things: ignorance and yehora. Very very bad combo.

All the rabbonim we were exposed to were Genoi olam PLUS knew all facets of the Torah and the world. Non of this low-end low-caliber “A” stuff.