Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?

Home Forums Family Matters Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?


Millhouse, well, thank you. I was questioning how us Chassidim would seemingly be lax in the mitzvah of hachasos orchim. But when you categorize invitations to lonely people as chesed, then Chassidim do a lot of chesed but prefer what מה טובי אהולך יעקב really means , keeping their homes more private and opening it selectively and with care. Of course, I’m not saying inviting lonely people is not a great mitzvah and perhaps there could be rectification in that area, but it’s a mentality of the home being kind of private so I don’t think that will change…. One cannot say though that Chassidim don’t do a lot of chesed and also do the mitzvah of hachnoses orchim beautifully as well, hosting travelers, having hachnasos orchim rooms in their houses always available for guests, etc. We just don’t have “open house” policies of inviting divorced women or non-religious people and others who non-Chassidim invite on a steady basis.