Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?

Home Forums Family Matters Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?


Creamnosugar, I grew up in a single parent home without being invited to others seudahs, my mother making Kiddush and havdalah, and we grew up fine, thank you very much. Sorry, but I don’t think it’s right to invite young divorced men or women, to Shabbos seudahs on a steady basis. Seudahs are not a place for informal mixing. Elderly people is a different issue, and you may critisize us for not inviting them, but I can think of many more things I can critisize the non-Chassisidishe communities buy of course I won’t, we should see th good in each other, every community has strengths and weaknesses. But I will say that inviting people who are not on our spiritual level to our family tables is a recipe for disaster, especially in these times. And I’ve personally seen disastrous results in many families of one kid after the next going OTD, or are halfway OTD because parents wanted to be inclusive and nice to everyone or make BTs.

And you won’t say how we are or we are not a light unto the nations, Hashem is the judge of that.

As for only voting for politicians whom I would invite to my house, that would mean I would vote for no one. That’s worse than not voting for those who will fight liberals and for conservative values which are closer to our values, so I think that suggestion is not the smartest.