Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?

Home Forums Family Matters Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?


After 80+ posts, its clear that this is a classic illustration of a fundamental “haskhafah gap” between MO and Chassidish/Yeshivish lifestyles and beliefs. I’m obviously more familiar with the former perspective where we frequently would spontaneously invite people we had just met that morning in shul to join us for shabbos lunch, Likewise, I cannot tell you how many times travelling myself overseas on business trips, I was a guest for a shabbos meal with somone I had literally just met. Even more important in our circles are the efforts to provide a continuing support network to those who find themselves alone through divorce or the loss of a spouse. While those suffering a loss have plenty of company during shivah and shloshim, its a very different story months or years later. While some may regard sharinga meal with these singles (both young and older) as a threat to their spirituality, we believe our support efforts are 110 percent in accordance with daas torah and halacha. I will not condemn or question the motives or values of those who have a contrary perspective.