Reply To: Tznius: a woman’s issue

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Reb Eliezer

There is a apparent argument between Rambam, Tosefos Yom Tov one view and Rashi about a mechitza what is its purpose. Rashi says not to mix whereas the Tosfas Yom Tov says not to stare. What happens when it is good for separation but not for looking being not tall enough or with holes in it? Reb Moshe ztz’l says that as long it separates and don’t look. There was a ruling in 1866 by the abour 200 rabonim, in a place callled Mihelowiz, that in a shul not having a proper Mechitza where the men can see the women, one should not daven there even if he must daven on his own Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.