Reply To: Our Stupid President Trump

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Our Stupid President Trump Reply To: Our Stupid President Trump

🍫Syag Lchochma

No- if you are honest with yourself you know that it really will go away. The comment was made regarding publicity and projections of doom justifying further destruction to the economy. Evidenced, for one thing, by the blatant omission of all reports that deaths are slowing, suicides are sky high, drug and physical abuse is out of control etc. The dems want this economy down til trump loses, (forget the huge story about the unemployment rate, forgetting to mention what number of them are actually furloughed with jobs waiting for them). I don’t do conspiracy theories, but people who can falsify documents to take down a serviceman to cover their own attempts to overthrow a government can very happily allow an economy to take a few extra hits if it will help this already-in-the-works cause.