Reply To: character vs policy Which is more important?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee character vs policy Which is more important? Reply To: character vs policy Which is more important?

Avi K

1. I do not think that he has done any of the four avodot to himself.
2. Adultery is only with a married woman. Moreover, if she is not Jewish the minute she walks out she is considered divorced. As for gilui arayot, for a ben Noach there are only six. He certainly has not been with a man or a prohibited (to a ben Noach) relative.
3. Using bad language is not birkat Hashem. He would have to say something along the lines of “Yossi should whack Yossi”).
4. His COVID policies, if wrong are at most gramma.
5. You can consider whatever you like to be stealing. That doesn’t mean that the Halacha does.

Reb Eliezer, that statement of the Akeidas is obviously lashon guzma. This is very common. For example, Chazal say that embarrassing someone in public is like killing him but no one suggests that a person who does it is chayav skila.

Yytz, a ben Noach can be executed for violating any of his mitzvot. The king can also execute anyone who violates one of his decrees. Rambam (Hilchot Melachim 2:8) says even house arrest or making an illegal turn. He can certainly have people locked up. What about Kamala Harris? She was severely reprimanded by a judge for her behavior as a prosecutor.