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Some simple ideas, tell me whether you are doing them or are they high maintenance?
– open windows in shul and school
Not if it’s cold outside. Was never my decision anyhow.
– not flying for vacation
I hardly do that anyway, but is flying for business safer? Why do you ask about vacation?
– ordering delivery from the store instead of going there
I did that in the beginning.
– learning with your child for one day a week, or forming a small group with neighbors, instead of sending to a crowded school
No, no, chas v’shalom except when the yeshivos were closed or we were in quarantine.
– going one time less to shul,
Unfortunately, didn’t go to shul for months when they were closed, but after they opened, no
or not talking there,
Good idea anyhow. When it was okay to talk, stayed six feet away from people who were unmasked and hadn’t had Covid
or not staying for kiddush
Yes, I didn’t go to kiddushim except to say a brief mazel tov.