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ubiquitin, Professor Sucharit Bkhadi, MD and a number of his colleagues warned about the danger of cerebral vein thrombosis from coronavirus “vaccine” shots. They said that these gene-based injections cana travel anywhere in the body including to the brain.

According to WHO, from March 12- April 21 there were 12 reported cases in the US of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis caused by the the coronavirus shots. There were many cases reported in Europe. You may say that is a tiny percent of the many shots given, however there are undereported cases and we don’t know the long-term affects of these shots. In any case, as I stressed repeatedly, I think that generally the initial two shots will not adversely effect the majority of those who received the so-called vaccine, however I believe that “booster” shots, especially if they will continously be given every few months when the eficacy of these shots will wear off ( provided they had any efiacy to begin with…) will definitely cause serious medical issues in recipients.