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“Stop lying!”

It was you that made the statement that you found the website that correlates to your own treatment regiment. In fact, you first stated that it was published in medscape, but it really was in a sham website.

Furthermore, it is you that made the following statement earlier.

“That site lists every study name that they base their statement on.
I never go back and check to see if they are being honest.”

Which essentially means you are taking them at face value.

Just to demonstrate why it would be important to actually check all these “studies”, they are smaller observations, at best. And some are ridiculous.

The Quercitin “study”, takes 100 subjects, some that took the regiment, others that did not, and after 5 weeks, 6 from the group that took it reported having flu-like symptoms, vs 12 from the control group.

That tells you nothing about treatment, it tells even tells you nothing about prophylaxis, but for some reason, it’s good enough for you.

As you were accusing others, you are simply grasping onto straws. I would recommend that you take a step back and reevaluate your position and base it on actual data.

At this point, there is a lot of data and we can kind of get a sense of what works and what not.